SemiBin can run on Python 3.7-3.12.
Install from bioconda
Simple Mode
The simplest way to install is to use conda.
conda create -n SemiBin
conda activate SemiBin
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda semibin
GPU mode from conda
If you want to use SemiBin with GPU, you need to install Pytorch with GPU support.
conda create -n SemiBin
conda activate SemiBin
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda semibin
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch-lts
Install from source
You will need the following dependencies: - MMseqs2 - Bedtools, Hmmer - Prodigal - (optionally) Fraggenescan
You can obtain them from conda with the following commands
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda mmseqs2=13.45111
conda install -c bioconda bedtools hmmer fraggenescan samtools
Then, installing should be a simple matter of running:
python install
Alternative ways of running SemiBin
If you use one of these pipelines, we ask that you cite both the pipeline author and the SemiBin manuscript (as well as any other pipeline-embedded tools which contribute to your results).
- ATLAS is a Snakemake-based pipeline for metagenomics, which includes SemiBin (as well as other binners and tools).
- Galaxy toolshed also includes a SemiBin wrapper