
Starting with version 1.5 (officially SemiBin2 beta), installing the SemiBin package installs two scripts: SemiBin and SemiBin2.

They have the same functionality, but slightly different interfaces. The exact interface to SemiBin2 should be considered as unstable (while we will strive to maintain backwards compatibility if you call the SemiBin script).

Upgrading to SemiBin2

  1. If you are using the easy_* workflows, then they will probably continue to work exactly the same (except that you will get better results faster).
  2. Outputs are now always in a directory called output_bins.
  3. By default, bins are in file named as SemiBin_{label}.fa.gz (and compressed with gzip as the name indicates).

Points 2 and 3 may require some minor modifications to wrapper scripts.

Longer list of differences between SemiBin2 and SemiBin1

The biggest different is that the default training mode is self-supervised mode.

  • Output bins are now always in a directory called output_bins (in SemiBin1, it actually depended on which parameters were used)
  • Output filenames are now anvi'o compatible (effectively, the default value of --tag-output is SemiBin), see discussion at #123.
  • --compression defaults to gz (instead of none)
  • ORF finder defaults to the fast-naive internal ORF finder
  • --write-pre-reclustering-bins is False by default
  • To train in semi-supervised mode, you must use the train_semi subcommand (and there is no train subcommand, you must be specific: train_semi or train_self).

A few arguments that were deprecated before are completely removed: - --recluster: it did nothing already as reclustering is default - --mode: Use --train-from-many - --training-type: Use --semi-supervised to use semi-supervised learning (although that is also deprecated)