Usage examples

Binning modes

SemiBin supports three different binning modes, with different tradeoffs.

Single sample binning

Single sample binning means that each sample is assembled and binned independently.

This mode allows for parallel binning of samples and avoids cross-sample chimeras, but it does not use co-abundance information across samples.

Using a prebuilt model means that SemiBin can return results in a few minutes.

Co-assembly binning

Co-assembly binning means samples are co-assembled first (as if the pool of samples were a single sample) and then bins are constructed from this pool of co-assembled contigs.

This mode can potentially generate better contigs (especially from species that are at a low abundance in any individual sample) and uses co-abundance information which can lead to better bins. On the other hand, co-assembly can lead to inter-sample chimeric contigs and binning based on co-assembly does not retain sample-specific variation.

It is most appropriate when the samples are very similar and can be expected to contain overlapping sets of organisms (e.g., a time-series from the same habitat).

Multi-sample binning

With multi-sample binning, multiple samples are assembled and binned individually, but information from multiple samples is used together. This mode can use co-abundance information and retain sample-specific variation at the same time. As we document in the SemiBin manuscript, this mode often returns the highest-number of bins (particularly for complex environments, such as soil).

However, it has increased computational costs. In particular, prebuilt models cannot be used.

This mode is implemented by concatenating the contigs assembled from the individual samples together and then mapping reads from each sample to this concatenated database. Concatenating the inputs can be done with the concatenate_fasta subcommand.

Single-sample binning

Inputs required: S1.fa (contig file in FASTA format) and S1.sorted.bam (short reads mapped to the contigs, sorted).

[How to generate inputs to SemiBin]

Easy single binning mode

There are two options.

1. Using a pre-trained model. This is the fastest option and should work the best if you have metagenomes from one of our prebuilt habitats (alternatively, you can use the global "habitat" which combines all of them).

SemiBin single_easy_bin \
        --environment human_gut \
        -i S1.fa \
        -b S1.sorted.bam \
        -o output

Binning assemblies from long reads:

SemiBin single_easy_bin \
        --environment human_gut \
        -i S1.fa \
        -b S1.sorted.bam \
        -o output
        --sequencing-type long_read

Supported habitats are (names should be self-explanatory, except global which is a generic model):

  1. human_gut
  2. dog_gut
  3. ocean
  4. soil
  5. cat_gut
  6. human_oral
  7. mouse_gut
  8. pig_gut
  9. built_environment
  10. wastewater
  11. chicken_caecum
  12. global

Figure 5 in the manuscript shows details of how well each habitat-specific model performs (except for the chicken_caecum model which was contributed after publication by Florian Plaza OƱate and is available since version 1.2).

2a. Learn a new model (semi-supervised mode). Alternatively, you can learn a new model for your data. The main disadvantage is that this approach will take a lot more time and use a lot more memory. While using a pre-trained model should take a few minutes and use 4-6GB of RAM, training a new model may take several hours and use 40GB of RAM.

SemiBin single_easy_bin \
        -i S1.fa \
        -b S1.sorted.bam \
        -o output

The Supplemental Tables 5 & 6 in the SemiBin manuscript contain a lot more information with respect to the computational trade-offs.

If you have a lot of samples that are similar to each other while not fitting into any of our builtin trained models, you can also build your own model from a subset of them (see [training a SemiBin model])

2b. Learn a new model (self-supervised mode). starting in version 1.3, SemiBin also supports a self-supervised mode, which is faster and appears to produce better results. At the moment (November 2022), a manuscript describing this mode is being prepared, but you can already run it by using the following command:

SemiBin single_easy_bin \
        --training-type self \
        -i S1.fa \
        -b S1.sorted.bam \
        -o output

We expect to release SemiBin2 in early 2023 and self-supervised mode will become the default. In the meanwhile, we appreciate feedback or bug reports.

Advanced single-sample binning workflows

The basic idea of using SemiBin with single-sample and co-assembly is:

  1. generate data.csv and data_split.csv (used in training) for every sample,
  2. train the model for every sample, and
  3. bin the contigs with the model trained from the same sample.

You can run the individual steps by yourself, which can enable using compute clusters to make the binning process faster.

In particular, single_easy_bin includes the following steps:

generate_cannot_links,generate_data_single and bin; while multi_easy_bin includes the following steps: generate_cannot_links, generate_data_multi and bin.

(1) Generate features (data.csv/data_split.csv files)

SemiBin generate_sequence_features_single -i S1.fa -b S1.sorted.bam -o S1_output

(2) Generate cannot-link file

SemiBin generate_cannot_links -i S1.fa -o S1_output

Be warned that this will run mmseqs2, which takes a lot of time. If you are running mmseqs2 against the GTDB taxonomy as part of of your pipeline already, you can make SemiBin skip this step by passing it the results using the --taxonomy-annotation-table argument.

(3) Train a model (if desired)

SemiBin train \
    -i S1.fa \
    --data S1_output/data.csv \
    --data-split S1_output/data_split.csv \
    -c S1_output/cannot/cannot.txt \
    -o S1_output
    --mode single

This step heavily benefits from having access to a GPU. It will attempt to auto-detect whether one is available, but you can use the --engine argument to specify whether SemiBin should use CPU or GPU processing.

This step can be skipped if you want to use a pretrained model.

(4) Bin

SemiBin bin \
    -i S1.fa \
    --model S1_output/model.h5 \
    --data S1_output/data.csv \
    -o S1_output


SemiBin bin_long \
    -i S1.fa \
    --model S1_output/model.h5 \
    --data S1_output/data.csv \
    -o S1_output

or, to use one of our built-in models (see above for the list of available models), you replace the --model argument with the --environment argument:

SemiBin bin \
    -i S1.fa \
    --environment human_gut \
    --data S1_output/data.csv \
    -o S1_output


SemiBin bin_long \
    -i S1.fa \
    --environment human_gut \
    --data S1_output/data.csv \
    -o S1_output


Another suggestion is that you can pre-train a model from part of your dataset, which can provide a balance as it is faster than training for each sample while achieving better results than a pre-trained model from another dataset (see the manuscript for more information).

If you have S1.fa, S1/data.csv, S1/data_split.csv, S1/cannot/cannot.txt; S2.fa, S2/data.csv, S2/data_split.csv, S2/cannot/cannot.txt; S3.fa, S3/data.csv, S3/data_split.csv, S3/cannot/cannot.txt. You can train the model from 3 samples.

SemiBin train \
    -i S1.fa S2.fa S3.fa \
    --data S1/data.csv S2/data.csv S3/data.csv \
    --data-split S1/data_split.csv S2/data_split.csv S3/data_split.csv \
    -c S1/cannot.txt s2/cannot.txt S3/cannot.txt \
    --mode several \
    -o S1_output

Co-assembly binning

Input: contig.fa and S1.sorted.bam, S2.sorted.bam, S3.sorted.bam,...

Easy co-assembly binning mode

To a large extent, co-assembly binning is just like single-sample binning. The major difference is that when generating features, we can use multiple samples. Unfortunately, this also means that prebuilt models cannot be used (because models depend on the number of samples, one would need to pre-train a model for each possible input sample input number).

SemiBin single_easy_bin \
    -i contig.fa \
    -b S1.sorted.bam S2.sorted.bam S3.sorted.bam \
    -o co-assembly_output

Advanced co-assembly binning workflows

(1) Generate data.csv/data_split.csv

SemiBin generate_sequence_features_single \
    -i contig.fa \
    -b S1.sorted.bam S2.sorted.bam S3.sorted.bam \
    -o contig_output

Note that we use the generate_sequence_features_single mode because co-assembly and single-sample modes are very similar.

(2) Generate cannot-link

SemiBin generate_cannot_links -i contig.fa -o contig_output

(3) Train

SemiBin train \
    -i contig.fa \
    --data contig_output/data.csv \
    --data-split contig_output/data_split.csv \
    -c contig_output/cannot/cannot.txt \
    -o contig_output
    --mode single

SemiBin will attempt to detect a GPU and fallback to CPU if none is found, but you can use the --engine argument to specify which one to use. Having access to a GPU can speed up this mode.

(4) Bin

SemiBin bin \
    -i contig.fa \
    --model contig_output/model.h5 \
    --data contig_output/data.csv \
    -o output

Multi-sample binning

Multi-sample binning requires more complex steps to prepare input data as well as more computation but can also result in more bins (particularly in complex habitats). See Figure 3b in the manuscript for a comparison of multi sample vs. single sample.

Inputs: - original FASTA files: S1.fa, S2.fa, S3.fa, S4.fa, and S5.fa (we will assume that there are 5 samples) - combined FASTA file: concatenated.fa (can be generated with the concatenate_fasta SemiBin subcommand) - mapped reads to the combined FASTA file: S1.sorted.bam, S2.sorted.bam, S3.sorted.bam, S4.sorted.bam, and S5.sorted.bam.

Generating concatenated.fa

SemiBin concatenate_fasta \
    --input-fasta S1.fa S2.fa S3.fa S4.fa S5.fa \
    --output output

This will produce the file output/concatenated.fa

Technical note on the format of concatenated.fa: every contig is renamed to the name <sample_name>:<original_contig_name>, where : is the default separator (it can be changed with the --separator argument, which must then be passed to all the commands that use it). Using the concatenate_fasta subcammand will make sure that sample names are unique and the separator does not introduce confusion when splitting (that is, that the separator is not already used in the contig or sample names). Otherwise, you can also prepare the file yourself. For example:


Afterwards, you should map each sample separately to the concatenated FASTA file to produce the respective sorted.bam file.

Easy multi binning mode

SemiBin multi_easy_bin \
        -i concatenated.fa \
        -b S1.sorted.bam S2.sorted.bam S3.sorted.bam S4.sorted.bam S5.sorted.bam \
        -o multi_output

or for long reads:

SemiBin multi_easy_bin \
        -i concatenated.fa \
        -b S1.sorted.bam S2.sorted.bam S3.sorted.bam S4.sorted.bam S5.sorted.bam \
        -o multi_output
        --sequencing-type long_read

Advanced multi-sample binning workflows workflows

As with the other modes, the multi_easy_bin subcommand encapsulates a series of steps that can also be run independently for more control. They can also be parallelized in a compute cluster, for example.

(1) Generate data.csv/data_split.csv

SemiBin generate_sequence_features_multi \
    -i concatenated.fa \
    -b S1.sorted.bam S2.sorted.bam S3.sorted.bam S4.sorted.bam S5.sorted.bam \
    -o output

(2) Generate cannot-link

You need to call generate_cannot_links for all the input FASTA files, independently:

for sample in S1 S2 S3 S4 S5; do
    SemiBin generate_cannot_links -i ${sample}.fa -o ${sample}_output

We used a bash for loop above, but it is equivalent to running the following:

SemiBin generate_cannot_links -i S1.fa -o S1_output
SemiBin generate_cannot_links -i S2.fa -o S2_output
SemiBin generate_cannot_links -i S3.fa -o S3_output
SemiBin generate_cannot_links -i S4.fa -o S4_output
SemiBin generate_cannot_links -i S5.fa -o S5_output

See the comment above about how you can bypass most of the computation if you have run mmseqs2 to annotate your contigs against GTDB already.

(3) Train

Training is performed independently for each sample (thus, could be parallelized), but uses the input features that account for all the sample data:

for sample in S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 ; do
    SemiBin train \
        -i ${sample}.fa \
        --data multi_output/samples/${sample}/data.csv \
        --data-split multi_output/samples/${sample}/data_split.csv \
        -c ${sample}_output/cannot/cannot.txt \
        -o ${sample}_output
        --mode single

The same comments about GPU access that applied to the other modes, apply here. Together with running mmseqs2, this is the more computational intensive step and may benefit from being run in parallel for each sample.

(4) Bin

for sample in S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 ; do
    SemiBin bin \
        -i ${sample}.fa \
        --model ${sample}_output/model.h5 \
        --data multi_output/samples/${sample}/data.csv \
        -o output


for sample in S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 ; do
    SemiBin bin_long \
        -i ${sample}.fa \
        --model ${sample}_output/model.h5 \
        --data multi_output/samples/${sample}/data.csv \
        -o output

Each sample is binned independently. This step is relatively fast.